TD Online Ordering

Ordering System

TREE DRIVE ONLINE ORDERING PANEL is fully functional on iOS & Android devices.

Get to know our all services

Simply order delicious food or reserve a table for an unforgettable dining experience. Your culinary wishes, your way.

Online Ordering

Blagjennommenyer, tilpassmåltidetditt, ogfølgbestillingen din i sanntid.

Scan and Order

Say goodbye to long queues and wasted time. With this feature, you can effortlessly scan the menu, place your order, and pay your bill quickly.

Book a Table

Blagjennomtilgjengeligetidspunkter, bestilletbord, ognyt en sømløsmatopplevelse.

Gift a Meal

Gift a Meal allows you to purchase and share a meal with someone in need or as a kind gesture.

fast delivery

Bestill mat Online

Enjoy the convenience of ordering your favorite meals from the comfort of your home or office.

Our online ordering feature lets you browse menus, place orders, and track your delivery in real time. Whether you’re busy at work or relaxing at home, you can easily monitor your order’s progress and enjoy timely deliveries from your favorite restaurants.
Td-food app


A gift to your family, friends, or colleague. To know more please visit


Vi har laget TFL Digital Gift Card for å gi et MÅLTID til dine kjære. Dette allsidige kortet kan brukes enten én eller flere ganger, avhengig av dine behov. Enten du ønsker å unne barna dine et deilig måltid eller sponse et måltid for dine ansatte, eller til vennene dine til en festival, er TFL-gavekortet det perfekte valget. Kjøp et TFL-kort fra valgfritt beløp, løs inn kortet ved å dele nummeret og koden som er nevnt, og du er ferdig. Du kan også få dette kortet ved å tjene det fra en hvilken som helst medlemsrestaurant, jo mer du spiser, jo mer tjener du poengene som vil bli konvertert til de digitale myntene. Nyt den deilige maten på hvilken som helst av favorittrestaurantene dine. Du kan også bruke dette kortet i vår TD Marketplace for å kjøpe antall varer. For mer informasjon, vennligst besøk

Reserve table including meal!

You can reserve a table at your favorite restaurant from home and also include your meal. You can come and right away your seat and meal is ready.

REstaurant Hall

fast delivery

Book a table

This feature allows you to book a table at your favorite restaurant. Tree Drive makes it simple and convenient whether you’re planning a romantic date, a family dinner, or a friend’s birthday celebration. Save time and effort by securing your spot, and enjoy your favorite dishes served hot, fresh, and right on time

TFL Gift Cards are used Paritially

fast delivery

Skann og Bestill

Say goodbye to long queues and wasted time. With this feature, you can effortlessly scan the menu, place your order, and pay your bill quickly.

Gift Meal with a TFL Gift Card

Digital Marketing

fast delivery

TFL (Tree For Life) Gavekort

The TFL Gift Card allows you to gift a meal to your loved ones. This versatile card can be used either once or multiple times, depending on your needs. Whether you want to treat your children to a delicious meal or sponsor a meal for your employees, the TFL Gift Card is the perfect choice. For more information, please visit: